
The governing body of Nolef Turns Inc. is the Board of Directors, which has all powers of governing and directing, and of overseeing the management of the business and affairs of the organization. The corporate governance principles of Nolef Turns Inc. are found in the Articles of Incorporation and a series of documents adopted by the Board of Directors and reviewed periodically to ensure they continue to meet the needs of the organization and reflect current industry best practices.

Governing Documents

In 2015, our Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws were unanimously created and signed off on by our Founding Board. All changes are discussed at Board Meetings and signed off on by the Board Chair prior to adoption.

Structure & Membership of Board of Directors

We aim to have a clear oversight and strategic role for the Board by following policies that include transparency for our Board, Members, Sponsors, Participants, and the General Public.

  • Board membership ranges from 5 to 15
  • Requirements for membership are uniform and follow best practices for corporate boards
  • The selection of members of the board are accomplished through the Governance and Board Development’s recommendation of the full Board and final approval at the annual year end meeting of Nolef Turns Inc.

Governance Procedures

Governance procedures provide clear guidance about expectations and enhance Board and individual Board member performance.

Ethics, Conduct & Compliance

The Board of Directors and management of Nolef Turns Inc. are committed to upholding the highest standards of ethics and conduct and promoting a culture of compliance and ethics throughout the organization.

Employees, volunteers, vendors, and the general public may report allegations or complaints of fraud, waste, abuse, illegal, unsafe, or unethical conduct to the general corporate office, at 804-918-6470. All issues will be handled with complete confidentiality and investigated with the priority of the organization’s governance policies in mind.

Financials & Reporting

As a 501(c)(3) public charity, Nolef Turns Inc. relies upon the support of our generous communities to fulfill its mission. Financial reports and IRS filings will be furnished upon request. Written requests may be submitted to the corporate office at:

Nolef Turns Inc.
211 N. 18th Street
Richmond, VA 23223-6905

Our Mission

Nolef Turns Inc. is a charitable organization, not a government agency. It depends on volunteers and the generosity of people like you to perform our mission. Our mission is to reduce recidivism by supporting and advocating alongside those with court and justice involvement. Our vision is to be a leader in decreasing the prison population by supporting and empowering those who are most affected by crime, trauma, and incarceration. We will treat everyone with dignity and respect and will not pass judgement, as we seek justice and redemption. We will be community centered and act according to the greater good of the people we serve. To the best of our ability, we strive to do no harm to the people we serve and the communities we live in.

Where your Money Goes

We were an all volunteer group until the beginning of 2022. We are truly a grassroots organization and our work is deeply rooted in service. With every donation, an average of about 91 cents of every dollar Nolef Turns Inc. spends is invested in community, humanitarian services and programs. Everything we do depends on the needs of the people that we serve.