by nolefturnsinc | Aug 27, 2021 | breaking barriers, criminal justice reform, events, holiday, Nolef Turns, virginia
[siteorigin_widget class=”SiteOrigin_Widget_Video_Widget”][/siteorigin_widget] Nolef Turns is taking a breather to prepare for the next few months. Our office will be closed from now until 10am on September 7th. Be safe over the Labor Day holiday and enjoy...
by nolefturnsinc | Aug 19, 2021 | appreciation, breaking barriers, community support, criminal justice reform, Nolef Turns, re-entry, virginia
Meet Our Newest Community Partner Regretful Heart Laser Tattoo Removal has partnered with Nolef Turns to offer pro bono / discounted laser tattoo removal services to individuals with justice involvement. [siteorigin_widget...
by nolefturnsinc | Mar 10, 2021 | breaking barriers, criminal justice reform, expungement, justice impacted, Nolef Turns, record sealing, virginia
In March 2021, Virginia was poised to enact a “transformative” record clearance law. While that journey was not an easy one for Virginia - as two legislators had competing bills - we anxiously await the results of a mediation process that will tell us the fate of our...
by nolefturnsinc | Dec 31, 2020 | breaking barriers, community support, criminal justice reform, donate, events, holiday, Nolef Turns, virginia, volunteer
[siteorigin_widget class=”WP_Widget_Media_Image”][/siteorigin_widget] Today wraps up a whirlwind of a year! As the page on the calendar changes, the fights remain the same – decarceration, reinstating parole, marijuana legalization with reparations,...
by nolefturnsinc | Nov 26, 2020 | breaking barriers, criminal justice reform, Nolef Turns, virginia
Giving Tuesday is Dec 1st but if you want to get a nice gift to support Nolef Turns, Cyn’s Jewelry is having a Black Friday sale to support our work! New items available! Here is a promo code:NLT2020 …and here is the direct link to the NLT collection:...