by Nolef Turns | Feb 26, 2022 | events, justice impacted, Nolef Turns, restoration of rights, virginia, voter registration
RSVP- February 28 10:30 am-12noon Monday- Virginia State Capitol, 1000 Bank Street, Richmond, VA 23219 House of Delegates gallery March 1st 7am-9am Tuesday House of Delegates P & E subcommittee meeting- Pocahontas Building, 900...
by nolefturnsinc | Oct 16, 2018 | birdies for charity, breaking barriers, community support, criminal justice reform, dominion energy charity classic, donate, fundraiser, fundraising, justice impacted, mass incarceration, Nolef Turns, post-conviction, re-entry, restoration of rights, support, virginia
This is the final week to donate. We need your support! Help us reach our goal of $25,000 that goes toward our mentoring and trade program the Institute of Forgiveness, connecting youth and adults with justice involvement. We’re working towards strengthening families,...
by nolefturnsinc | Feb 2, 2017 | breaking barriers, community support, criminal justice reform, legal, Nolef Turns, restoration of rights, support, virginia, voter registration Joint Resolution 223, sponsored by Majority Leader Tommy Norment (R-Williamsburg) was reported by the Senate Privileges and Elections Committee today on a narrow 8-6...
by nolefturnsinc | Apr 27, 2016 | breaking barriers, criminal justice reform, Nolef Turns, re-entry, restoration of rights, virginia, voter registration
Get registered to vote at go out and vote! If you need assistance, contact Nolef Turns Inc. Monday – Saturday 9am-6pm at 804-918-6470… Walk-in Wednesdays 9am-1pm (every Wed until election day)...