by admin | Mar 17, 2022 | breaking barriers, criminal justice reform, employment, Nolef Turns, virginia
When you are looking for a job, you want to make sure that you are getting the things you need from it. This means ensuring that you have insurance benefits that will protect you if you are sick or injured, or if you just need regular checkups along the way. You...
by admin | Mar 16, 2022 | breaking barriers, criminal justice reform, job-readiness, Nolef Turns, virginia
On release from prison, you have the opportunity to build a new life and a new career. But unfortunately, some employers may put your application aside after seeing you have a conviction record. Still, with some strategies, you can overcome the bias and be successful...
by admin | Mar 4, 2022 | breaking barriers, criminal justice reform, jobs, Nolef Turns, virginia
At first, you may not realize you need a career change, despite the many signs that pile up. Mondays are harder to face, you feel bored or frustrated, you dread doing certain tasks, and more. Your subconscious may be trying to tell you it’s time to find a new line of...
by Nolef Turns | Feb 26, 2022 | events, justice impacted, Nolef Turns, restoration of rights, virginia, voter registration
RSVP- February 28 10:30 am-12noon Monday- Virginia State Capitol, 1000 Bank Street, Richmond, VA 23219 House of Delegates gallery March 1st 7am-9am Tuesday House of Delegates P & E subcommittee meeting- Pocahontas Building, 900...